
No More Failures: Embrace Every Opportunity and Redefine Success

The O/L results have just been released, and it’s a moment of mixed emotions for many. To those who have excelled, congratulations! You’ve reached an important milestone, and your hard work has been rewarded. This is just the start of a much bigger journey. But today, I want to speak directly to those who may No More Failures: Embrace Every Opportunity and Redefine Success

Opportunity from Germany for SL basketball enthusiasts

The German Embassy in Sri Lanka has announced that the University of Leipzig is offering a course for Sri Lankans under its Summer 2025 trainers course. Issuing a notice, the German Embassy called on basketball enthusiasts in Sri Lanka to apply for the training course. For more details on the course and application, visit https://www.spowi.uni-leipzig.de/…/studying…/application Opportunity from Germany for SL basketball enthusiasts